We create rich and immersive learning experiences integrating the power of storytelling with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) principles to engage young audiences in creative ways of learning about Space Science education.
As you navigate this site you will find information on Mars exploration and the skills necessary to accomplish the journey to the red planet and its colonization.
Children are natural inquirers, but they still need to be taught the specific skills of inquiry so that they can begin to think and act as scientists do. Through posters, animations, informational graphics, virtual reality field trips and merchandise, Spaco teaches young kids the skills and concepts that one day might take them to Mars —and beyond.
Over the years, NASA has sent four robotic vehicles, or
rovers, to learn more about Mars.
A Mars rover is an automated motor vehicle that moves itself across the red Martian terrain. It can analyze rocks and look if there's life on Mars!
A Space Exploration Vehicle (SEV) has a pressurized cabin for explorers and acts as a rover for planet exploration
Kit Includes: Personalized headset, out of this world markers, and sticker mission patches!